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Essential Employees

Essential employees have a responsibility to monitor official Austin Peay communications related to an emergency, including OneStop, email and any websites set up for emergency events/situations, as well as maintain up to date confirmation in OneStop.

Considerations for Determining Essential Employees

Considerations by colleges and departments in determining an essential employee should include:

  1. Continuation of critical and essential services
  2. Maintaining integrity of infrastructure, property or systems
  3. Staffing or functions needed at any point during a period when offices are closed
  4. Method of communication to employees deemed essential personnel prior to, and during, an event requiring the service of the employee executing the functions of an essential position.
  5. Response or assessment immediately following an emergency event.

Designation of Essential Employees

College and department supervisors, in consultation with the Dean or area Vice President, are responsible for identifying essential positions using the Essential Employee Acknowledgement form, and notifying the individuals in those roles when they may be required to report to work (despite a university closure). Essential employees should receive and acknowledge written designation of their essential employee status from their college or department. The written designation remains in effect until the essential employee designation is rescinded in writing. Essential personnel will be expected to maintain their normal work schedule, or adjusted schedules required due to unexpected closings, unless or until otherwise notified.

Emergency Closing Assignment and Compensation

It is incumbent upon the supervisor to inform and confirm which essential personnel are required to work during emergency closings. Notification and confirmation of the expectation of essential personnel to report to work, or maintain on-call status, will be executed with as much advanced notice as possible via in-person communication or email.

Inclement Weather & Emergency Closing Pay

Essential non-exempt employees required to work during periods of inclement weather or an emergency closing, will be paid at the premium compensatory/overtime rate set at one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay. In addition, the employee will also be paid for their regular scheduled hours. (See Policy 5:015)

Generally, exempt staff employees will not receive premium compensatory time or pay for emergency work outside of their typical workweek.

Reporting Questions or Violations

The following is the department, office, or individual responsible for overseeing implementation of and assuring compliance with this process. Any individual with questions about the process:

Office of Human Resource
Phone: (931) 221-7177
Email: HumanResources@8008c.com (to expedite a response, please include the phrase “Essential Employees” in the subject line of any email inquiries or reports)


Failure to comply with this process could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.