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Southeastern Grasslands Institute

grassland field
大学草原研究、保护与教育分院 STEM at Austin Peay State University. 


The late E.O. 威尔逊是世界著名的生物学家和自然资源保护主义者 东南部草原“可能是整个北方最丰富的陆地生物群落” America.“许多最稀有、衰退最快的植物物种、传粉者、 and birds depend on grassland ecosystems. However, Southeastern grassland ecosystems are also rapidly disappearing. For some of our grassland communities, less than 1% 它们原来的大小和分布在整个世界. Protecting and 恢复我们的东南部草原保护和保存所有的生物 这些都是在那里发现的,并确保后代能够获得和成为 能够享受北美最丰富的陆地生态系统. 


Did you know? 


我们东南部的草原早在 Civil War. 当主要的植物调查在这个地区完成时,许多 许多草原已经变成了农田或牧场,或者杂草丛生 with trees. 因为原始的热带稀树草原很久以前就消失了, the new forests that replaced them were considered “normal.” The original grassland ecosystems were simply forgotten. Scientists and conservationists are only beginning 认识到我国东南原始草原的重要性和原貌.

Save Southeastern Grasslands!

What is the Southeastern Grasslands Institute doing?Guy kneels in a field looking at the plants


Learn more at the Southeastern Grassland Institute website

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Sun shining on a field
E.O. Wilson

了解、珍惜、保护南方草原的伟大自然遗产 生物群落应该是美国环境运动的首要目标.

Message from the SGI Executive Director

我们珍贵的东南部草原濒临灭绝,赖以生存的物种也濒临灭绝 on them are fading fast. The losses have been truly staggering, with most types of 草原损失超过90%,有的超过99%. Many of the 草原在过去两个世纪的剧烈变化中得以生存 have disappeared in the past quarter-century. With such an accelerating decline, what will the next 25 years bring? If we want to reverse the tide of grassland biodiversity 损失,我们的反应必须迅速,而且规模空前. This is 这是一个极其复杂和雄心勃勃的挑战,需要一些最聪明的人 and most creative minds in American conservation to solve.

东南草原研究所自豪地绘制了保护草原的新路线 our vanishing Southeastern grasslands. It is our goal to give grasslands an equal 在东南部的保护桌上,还有森林,湿地, streams, and coastal ecosystems. We recognize that achieving our goals will take an 在企业、慈善机构和政府资金方面的投资也无与伦比 作为强大的基层努力和奉献团队的志愿者和草原福音传道者. 我们感谢所有的合作伙伴、资助者、支持者和志愿者. Will you join us? 


Dwayne Estes 
SGI Executive Director 

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